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Inspection Reports

October 2013- Saint Ronan’s School judged ‘excellent’ by inspectors.

After intense scrutiny, the Independent Schools Inspectorate judged Saint Ronan’s to be an ‘excellent’ school in every area, assessed during their four day visit in October 2013. In all, this meant thirteen ‘excellent’ grades.

The inspection team of seven included two current headmasters, two current deputy heads and one retired deputy headmaster.

William Trelawny-Vernon, Headmaster, said “ We are delighted with the report, which reflects extremely well on all areas of the School. Saint Ronan’s is a happy, lively and successful school, offering plenty of opportunity for all”.

The inspection Team reached the following conclusions:

The Early Years Foundation Stage

How well the early years provision meets the needs of the range of children who attend
 - Excellent
The contribution of the early years provision to children’s well being
 - Excellent
The leadership and management of the early years provision
 - Excellent
The overall and standards of the early years provision
 - Excellent
The quality of academic and other achievements

The quality of pupils’ achievements and learning
 - Excellent
The contribution of the curricular and extra-curricular provision
 - Excellent
The contribution of teaching
 - Excellent
The quality of the pupils’ personal development

The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the pupils
 - Excellent
The contribution of the arrangements for pastoral care
 - Excellent
The contribution of arrangements for welfare, health & safety
 - Excellent
The quality of boarding
 - Excellent
The effectiveness of governance, leadership & management

The quality of governance
 - Excellent
The quality of leadership and management, including links with parents, carers and guardians
 - Excellent

December 2017- Saint Ronan’s School gets a clean bill of health in its Regulatory Compliance Inspection.

The school underwent a full Regulatory Compliance Inspection (RCI) in December 2017, with three inspectors on site for two days. The inspection found that all eight standards (covering c 400 checking points!) of the RCI were ‘met’ . Schools either meet or don’t meet these standards and there is no qualitative judgment.

About the Independent Schools Inspectorate

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) arranges and carries out the inspection of any school which wishes to be accredited by the Independent Schools Council (ISC). The ISI also inspects every school whose head is already a member of the ISC.

The ISI inspects according to a standard framework for inspection, which it has laid down for the purposes of ensuring that standards are maintained and that the school complies with relevant legal requirements. This framework has been agreed with the DCSF and they have recognised the ISI as the body responsible for the regular inspection of the schools in England which are affiliated to the ISC.

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